Wonderland Kazakiri is a company that was created in 2015 as designing and system building firms joined together in an attempt to produce fun and exciting digital contents which include website making, system development and game creation. Among other things, company prouds itself in 3DCG, graphic design, CI, VI as well.

Web/Graphic design: Our works range from websites and apps design to advertising campaigns, leaflets and digital signage. We often participate in projects from the very beginning and try to come up with ideas compatibile with clients needs, targeted recipients and media means used in particular case. It is most challenging and satisfying thing we have experienced by far.

業務システム開発:業務に合わせ、お客様と一緒によりよいシステムの開発を進めていきます。 どういったシステムが必要か、そもそもシステム化する必要があるか等のご相談に関しても承っております。相談に来られたお客様で、本当にシステム化が必要だったお客様は70%くらいの感覚です。ぜひご相談ください。
Business system development:We develope systems in accordance to business type and clients requirements as well as consult on already exsisting systems and desired changes. By far, 70% of consulted cases have proved to be in need of changes to be made. Please contact Wonderland Kazakiri if in need of any of above.

CMS/EC開発:スクラッチで作成することにより開発の自由度が高く、変更・機能追加等に対応できやすい環境づくりを目指しております。 また、CMSはだれでも使えるように、ECは効率よく運用ができるように等、状況に合わせて開発を行っていきます。 CMSの管理画面などは、操作説明をしなくてもほとんどのお客様が利用できています。
CMS/ES development:Our aim is to create user friendly environment in which one can freely modificate and manage contents of CMS/ES without any further explanation necessary. We focus on developing highly efficient operating systems.

Game production:We love games and we have loved them for a long time. These days, although highly constrainted, smartphone games is a field in which everyone can try their chances. Bringing oldschool, indie feel to this market, our company creates games that we enjoy ourselves and hope for other users to have as much or even more fun than we do.

CI/VI:CI and logotype are the embodiment of ideology and attitude one wants to present and are the core of the branding. When developing CI we concentrate on a simple, all-purpose, futuristic design that will satisfy customers needs as well as take the business to the whole new level. It is really important for us to get an approval of the client on the branding matter.

Creating 3DCG:From an architectural CG and 3DCG used in video production to modeling for the game purposes. From original characters to remade images of actors used in movies' web campaigns. We create all kinds of 3DCG and digital contents from scratch as well as adapt them for animation purposes.